17-18th december 2018

Interdisciplinary Seminar: Political Education in History

Under the title Political Education in History, the Group of Medieval and Renaissance Studies convened, on 17 and 18 December, its own researchers and others invited in order to participate in a new seminar, through presentations, communications and debates. The sessions took place in Andrés Bello Room of the Technical School of Computer Engineering (UNED). The Proceedings of the Seminar will be published by Dykinson Publishing House.

Professor Ricardo Rovira Reich, president of Civilitas-Europa, referred to political education in Greco-Roman antiquity. Next, Javier Vergara Ciordia, Professor of Theory and History of Education and director of GEMYR, intervened with a paper on Political Augustinism and education of princes. Alicia Sala Villaverde, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, who talked about Restore the political issue in the Lower Middle Ages, the challenge of Cristina de Pizan and Victoria Atlas Prilutsky, Ph.D. in Hispanic Philology, with an intervention on Sem Tob de Carrión and the political education in Judaism.

Alicia Sala Villaverde during her speech. She was presented by the doctoral student Lía Viguria.

The following day, the participation of the doctoral student Arturo Torres García dealt with Formation of the conscience of the rulers through the pedagogy of Erasmus. He was followed by Rafael Alvira Domínguez, Professor Emeritus of History of Philosophy, with a paper on Political Education and Modernity.

In the afternoon, the presentation of the book written by Juan Fungerio, Dutch humanist: The good teaching and education of young people took place. De puerorum disciplina et recta educatione liber (Antwerp, 1584), thirteenth volume published under the auspices of the Group of Medieval and Renaissance Studies and the publishers UNED and Library of Christian Authors. It took place with the participation of Professor Beatriz Comella Gutiérrez, author of the introduction and historical-pedagogical study and Virgilio García Rodríguez, translator of the original Latin text,. The event was attended by Professor García Llamas, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Mr. Marc Calcoen, Ambassador of Belgium in Spain, Herminia Calero, Director of UNED Publishing House, Jorge Juan Fernández Sangrador and Juan Antonio Mayoral, General Director and Director of publications, respectively, (Library of Christian Authors). A copy has also been delivered to Mr. Matthijs van Bonzel, Ambassador of  Netherlands in Spain.

From left to right: the Dean of the Faculty of Education, the Ambassador of Belgium, Virgilio García, translator, and Beatriz Comella, author.

In addition, the ppearance of the following volume of the collection was announced: The Treasure of the City of Ladies, by Cristina de Pizan, translated, from the middle French, and studied by Professor Alicia Sala Villaverde.